Happy Holidays + Website Future (12/24/24):
Hi there its 4 in the morning and im thinking too much. First, Happy Holidays and Happy New Years. Second, Ive been thinking way too much once again, and right now its mostly about this website. I really like doing this and I would like to come up with something to go along with the BOTT. Something that fits the theme of simple, constantly updatable, and mildly educational. Maybe something a little more trivia guessing than just fact dumps IDK. Ill keep thinking too much.
First Blog Post (12/18/24):
Wow! The first post on the blog! Im doing pretty good today, not doing much as of late (I really should work on this site more). Its christmas break, which means its also time I have to see my family again. Also, time to look for another job on campus for next semester :(. For updates on the website, if you havent checked out the first BOTT (Bug of the Times) you really should. Im also gonna be looking to add more to the home page soon. Thanks for reading.